Welcome to The Road to Valor!

Wednesday 22 April 2009 ·
Hello and welcome to my blog. Have you ever dreamed of just packing it all in and trying to lead a simpler and more hassle free existence? My name is Des, and I'm currently living in the UK and pursuing just this sort of dream along with my wife Maria.

We’ve been renovating a typical village house in a little whitewashed pueblo called Valor. High up in the Alpujarras mountains in Southern Spain, at an altitude of about 850m above sea level, Valor is surrounded by beautiful countryside and some stunning views. Some day we would just love to book those one way tickets and settle down there for good.

I know that many people would just throw caution to the wind and jet off into the sunset to see what fate has in store for them, but I’m afraid it’s in my own nature to take a more considered approach. The downside of this however, is that it can lose you valuable momentum. We bought the property back in 2004, and our initial five year plan is just about to run out of time. So, are we ever going make it?

Well, we have completed most of what I thought would be the trickiest bits. Buying a house in Spain in itself is an interesting process, which I’ll hopefully expand on in a future post; and we have also managed to get the house renovated “long distance” whilst still living in the UK. But the one missing piece in the jigsaw, and the one that is ultimately proving the most difficult, is how to provide ourselves with a sustainable income.

Guided bird watching holidays were always going to be our main thread of business, but we knew this was probably going to need supplementing. The current recession has only served to underline that. But rest assured we are working on it, and who knows? One of these days we may just get there!
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